I have a levy and garnishment with the IRS. Can your firm put a stop to them and how soon?
As soon as all necessary documents are provided to us, we can stop a levy or garnishment in 24-48 hrs. It is critical we get all the required documents from you as fast as possible.
I owe the IRS and the state. What are my options?
Depending on your situation, there are several options you can take. The first step is to contact us for a free consultation. Our professionals will guide you on your best solutions. We generally recommend a two-step process. First, is an investigation where we send a power of attorney to both the IRS and the State. We get a complete picture of the situation you are facing so we can make a well-informed decision. Secondly, we review our findings and your financials to advise you on your best options. We can settle the debt through an Offer in Compromise (OIC). This program allows taxpayers to settle their debt for less than what they owe. Another option is an Installment Agreement (IA). Our tax attorney’s can put you on an affordable monthly plan. The 3rd option is to put you into Currently Non Collectible (CNC) status. This will prevent further collections for a time being, as we strategize how to handle your case. The best thing to do now is to contact us immediately.
There are so many Tax Attorneys and Tax Relief firms out there. What makes you guys different?
Beware! Most of our competitors are call centers, they will only take your case over the phone and most are known to take all cases and fees regardless if the taxpayer qualifies or not.
We are vastly different. We do not want cases we cannot solve. We offer you a free face-to-face consultation at our offices. You can bring your notices and financial documents so we can evaluate the validity of a successful result.
Not only do we care about our business clients but also the community we serve. We serve the local community through Lions Clubs International. We have community events regarding health, vision and education. We support local schools and other non-profits.
I hear an Offer in Compromise is impossible to get. How can you be sure you will get one for me?
There tends to be a misconception that Offers are rarely accepted. It is our experience and track record that shows this is not the case. We get offers accepted every month. Our own firm has an OIC success rate of almost 95 percent. How so high you ask? Simple. Before we take an offer case we do a thorough review of the likelihood of getting an offer accepted. When we take your case you can rest assured knowing you’re a strong candidate for an offer.
What can I do that you can’t do? Why do I need to hire a Los Angeles Tax Attorney?
Navigating through the IRS and State tax codes is complex and laborious. Not only is the process complex but often there are certain strategies that are best for certain taxpayers vs other strategies. You will be relying on our expansive experience of doing this day in and day out. Contact us immediately for a free consultation.
I have a business and am behind on payroll taxes. Can you help me?
Yes a number of our professionals specialize in Trust Fund Recovery Penalties, which is the penalty portion of your payroll taxes.
Can you represent me in an audit?
100%. We can handle office, field and correspondence audits on your behalf. Our professionals have build rapport with many local auditors throughout the years. This allows us to handle your case in a way that most benefits you. Once the audit is complete, we can guide you through any further resolution that is needed.
I owe the IRS and am looking to amend my tax returns?
Call us immediately to go over your situation. The call is free. We can amend your returns if appropriate.
How long does an offer in compromise take?
4-9 months on average. The timeframe mostly depends on your ability to send us the required documents in a timely manner. The faster you respond the faster we can submit your case.
Is there a guarantee for your service?
The State Bar and the IRS do not allow professionals to guarantee success. However, our track record speaks for itself. We do not take cases we are not confident in solving. We pride our ability to get results. We live for it. This is why we offer a free consultation. Most firms will charge $495-$1000+ for case reviews.
I’m not in California. Can you still represent me?
Yes, we do it all the time. We represent taxpayers in all 50 states as well as outside the country.